Linux Cheatsheet

Working with files and directories

Command Description
ls list files
cd dir

change directory to dir

cd change to home directory
pwd                    print name of current working directory
mkdir dir      create a directory called dir
rmdir dir remove directory dir. Note that the directory must be empty for this command to work.
rm -r dir remove directory dir and all the files in it.
cp file1 file2 copy file1 to file2
cp -r dir1 dir2 copy contents of dir1 to dir2 recursively
mv file1 file2 move or rename file1 to file2. If file2 is an existing directory, moves file1 into file2 directory.
rm file1 remove the file1 file
cat file display the contents of file in the terminal window
more file display the contents of file in the terminal window one screen at a time
less file display the contents of file in the terminal window one screen at a time
head file display the first 10 lines of file
head -n N file display the first N lines of file
tail file display the last 10 lines of file
tail -f file display the contents of file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines

Keyboard shortcuts and miscellaneous commands

For the shortcut notation in the table below, CTRL+ means you should hold down the CTRL key and press the letter that follows the plus sign. For example, 'CTRL+C' means hold down the CRTL key and then press the 'c' key.

Command Description
CTRL+C kills the current process
CTRL+Z             suspends the current process by putting it into the background. Resume with the fg command.
CTRL+D log out of current session. Similar to the exit command.
CTRL+A move cursor to beginning of line
CTR+E move cursot to end of line
CTRL+L clear the screen. Similar to the clear command.
exit log out of the current session
clear clear the screen
history display your command history
up arrow go back through your command history

System info

Command Description
date show the current date and time
cal show current month's calendar
whoami who you are logged in as
w who is logged in on the host
which cmd   find filesystem location of cmd
whereis cmd locate binaries, source, and man pages for cmd
free                     show amount of free and used memory on system

Getting help

Command Description
man cmd show the manual page for the command cmd
info cmd show the info page for the command cmd
apropos keyword search the manual pages for keyword
man -k keyword same as 'apropos keyword'
whatis keyword display one-line manual page description for keyword