Love Data Week is a good reminder that data come in many shapes and forms, and require care, good management, and safe and ethical handling. Learn more about resources at the University of Minnesota to help collect, store, analyze, share, and care for your data. Join us for events this week and beyond to celebrate all things data!
Love Data Week Events
The UMN Institutional Analysis Office has a list of Love Data Week Events on campus.
Check out the BTAA Love Data Week Visualization Contest.
Attend a Data Workshop
Want to learn R, NVivo, or Python? Looking for ways to manage your data on a research trip or when you graduate? There's a workshop for that.
Get Help Caring for Your Data
We love to talk data (and files, images, text, code, etc). Reach out to learn more!
LATIS Research
Advanced Imaging Service for Object and Spaces (AISOS)
UMN Libraries Research Data Services
The Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM)